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A Historical Rivalry

Why is Celtic vs Rangers Called the Old Firm Derby?

Why is Celtic vs Rangers Called the Old Firm Derby?

A Historical Rivalry

The Celtic-Rangers rivalry, affectionately known as the Old Firm derby, is one of the most intense and passionate rivalries in world football. This storied clash between two of Scotland's most decorated clubs has a rich history dating back to the late 19th century.

Origins: Sectarian Divide

The roots of the Old Firm derby lie in the sectarian divide that permeated Scottish society in the 19th century. Celtic, founded in 1888, was predominantly supported by Irish Catholic immigrants, while Rangers, established in 1872, primarily attracted Protestants from the Protestant Loyalists community.

This religious divide fostered a deep animosity between the two clubs and their respective fan bases, with each group representing a distinct cultural and socio-political identity within Scottish society.

The Football Dimension

Beyond the sectarian divide, the Old Firm derby also intensified due to the competitive nature of Scottish football. Both Celtic and Rangers were perennial contenders for the Scottish Premiership title, and their matches became battlegrounds where not only sporting pride but also religious and cultural allegiances were at stake.

The on-field rivalry was often fierce, characterized by intense physical play and a relentless pursuit of victory. Over the years, the Old Firm derby has witnessed some of the most memorable and controversial moments in Scottish football history, including brawls, red cards, and controversial refereeing decisions.

The Modern Era

While the sectarian divide that fueled the Old Firm derby has diminished over time, the rivalry remains as passionate as ever. However, the focus has shifted from religious differences to a competitive and geographical rivalry between two of the biggest clubs in Scotland.

Celtic and Rangers continue to battle for domestic supremacy, and their matches still attract massive crowds and worldwide attention. The Old Firm derby remains a testament to the deep-rooted traditions and intense passion that define Scottish football.
